Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Life is a beautiful package

Oh some bad health news ...but it only makes me want to live life to the fullest. I am now in the process  to revamp my skin care line. And thanks to " A Gift Wrapped Life " ( thank you, thank you) for your beautiful blog, your insights, gift wrapping and all you are.... you have inspired me and giving me a purpose ...I am now in the process to give each of my creations a unique package. My products will be the same, but I want each creation to have a one of kind package. Ohhhh Life is beautiful. Here's to the next many, many years to come!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your health news. Those are never fun. But I am looking forward to seeing the ideas for your new packaging. PS: the ones you have at your site are beautiful already!
